Self Published Books
We self publish books using Create Space, through Amazon. Our top writer has a BA in Communications, and a Masters in Legal Studies -- plus an Associates in Children's Literature. Most of his work is displayed directly on Amazon. He is know by a pen name of TheFanNJ, which is Omar Dyer. Omar Dyer is the founder and creator of this company, and his work includes.
The Next Generation Of Leaders: Omar Dyer for Public Office (Create Space publishing)
America's War (Create Space Publishing)
Coaches! 101 A Tribute to Hoboken High's Football (iUniverse Publishing)
Wall Street Occupied: A Collection of The Next Generation of Leaders (Create Space Publishing)
Election: My Ride with Barack Obama (Create Space Publishing)
A Literacy Tour On America: A Poem For Joy and A Poem For Pain (Publish America, Create Space Publishing)