My Plan Challenge Foundation
The My Plan Challenge Foundation is organized by the political action committee named above, as a non-partisan and non-political foundation. The foundation is a department with in the 527 political organization, and the non-profit organization of Coaches! 101 A NJ Non-Profit and Coaches! 101 PAC. The foundation acts as a fundraising department for selected items in the catalog. Under the recognized department code 09122130, as the official paring subjected to the foundation’s by-laws. This department was setup to be an olive branch for raising funds to pursue projects that involves the marke character and face of the foundation: Mad Comedian. The foundation’s mission is to raise funds for operation cost for film, social media, and personal appearances. Click on Foundation's Goals: My Plan Challenge Foundation for more information.
Foundation’s Goals: My Plan Challenge Foundation
The goals for the My Plan Challenge Foundation, are to raise awareness in the community for multiple call for actions. Call for actions are community based campaigns that help raise a concern for humanity in the community. Together with the help of a fictional online character we can train the Next Generation of Leaders. For or to become political advocates on community based programs and agendas. Mad Comedian has a service mark in the state of New Jersey and a trademark pending for the United States. The foundation’s goal is to also advocate for changes in living conditions and homelessness. And create seminars for political training of candidates that will employ our brand’s image to reach a wider audience. The My Plan Challenge Foundation, has a main goal to raise close to $1 million dollars selling products in our many online commerce stores, or through our selected website on social media, and the professional site for Mad Comedian.
The Story for the Challenge
The My Plan Challenge is a challenge to bring out awareness and humanity to the community with a dance-off, plus the cause to end human hunger across the globe. Incorporated from the song: My Plan, which is a diss-track to the hit single performed by the artist known as Drake – with government name as: Aubrey Graham. This challenge takes art and humanity to the next level. Political artist known as TheFanNJ – which is a pseudo name for Omar Dyer in the blogosphere, has a passion to draw awareness to world hunger and homelessness.
The Foundation, which is hosted by Coaches! 101 PAC (Political Action Committee); a 527 political organization, that works on behalf of defeating political candidates, voting rights, and federal or municipal ballot questions – will be using this challenge to draw funds and raise awareness to those causes.
The purpose of this challenge is to make arts and entertainment fun again; while drawing attention and money to the social environments such as: voting rights, world and community hunger; cyber bullying and trolling.
To be a member of Coaches! 101 PAC contact us, or log in. Please be advised that My Plan Challenge Foundation members follow the rules and regulations of Coaches! 101 (PAC) and are not full pledged members of the committee, and have no stakehold in the committee unless approved to be members of the committee
The focus of the My Plan Challenge Foundation is to increase financial literacy for the youth of America and children who are born in poverty or live in a poverties state. The main goal is to raise money and then employ members of affected communities. Here is our five-point tool kit:
Stock Certificates
Our Stock Certificates are hosted by Coaches! 101 (PAC)
They are a $1 per share certificate and your eligible for 40 shares
You must be a member of the My Plan Challenge Foundation
Follow the foundation By-Laws under the Department code
Pay membership dues
Members of the department fund and foundation: My Plan Challenge
Are separate from the membership of the (PAC)
Community Outreach Programs
A member of My Plan Challenge Foundation will be in charge of creating a local chapter
Coming soon: Local Chapter registration and by into programs, within the by-laws
Community Service
Creating initiatives for homeless intervention and other plus initiatives
Creating extra-curricular activities
Music internship
Protest awareness
Political observation
Business development
Organizing Events
Get out the Vote
Registering voters
Political Candidate Summit
Learn tools to run for office
Help a candidate running for office
Setting up a political action fundraisers